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The GEP course has been a long but so interesting and rewarding adventure! Back in GEP 1 we were uncertain about the possibility to design and implement a good project but also two years later, we finally did it… against all odds!

If we had to point out what we have learnt during these two years, the importance of collaboration would definitely be our number one. Firstly as teachers, to be able to work together, design a challenging and exciting project for our students, merging our interests and knowledge, co-teaching and thus be able to better accompany our students during the learning process. But also collaboration amongst students, each one of them taking responsibilities and learning from one another. 

Every step of the project proved to be relevant: the driving question as the main focus, the importance of a variety of inputs, language support to facilitate students’ interactions, etc… 
Our main regret though, is not to have considered that our project would be implemented in two different groups, with very different needs and abilities. 
While one group has good technical and abstraction skills, the other group is more creative but has little ability to transfer knowledge. Regarding this last point, we should have guided them even more since their final project generally lacked consistency or did not reflect what was at stake. 

Next time we will make sure that not only our projects allow students to express their own voices and choices but also take into account their interests and focus on their abilities to lead them to success. 
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