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Along the course we learned a bunch of new methodologies. We reflected about the students' learning process and what is most important, how to assess them: how to design an activity taking into account the assessment and above all its feedback.

Even though designing the activities was a great challenge the outcome paid off. Despite some difficulties, not the most suitable student ratio, not the best classroom arrangement or not having the best IT resources available, we strongly believe that with some training and repetition the activities will improve.
We would like to add that it has been a real luxury to be able to do co-teaching during these lessons. To be able to coordinate beforehand is sometimes challenging because you don't always find the time but once in the classroom it makes it much easier, especially with large groups of students and last but not least, it is more fun!

Watching the videos afterwards also made us realize  the importance of language support. Students' interactions need to be carefully scaffolded if you expect them to happen in English.

It's worth teaching CLIL: students learn both context and language, and they feel more engaged and motivated. 
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